Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day

Good morning and happy Valentines Day. I spent most of this morning, as well as most of last night, trying to figure out how to customize my blog with such wonderful doohickeys as a playlist. Alas, I am finding myself failing. I am sure I will soon get a hold of it and be a master blogger, but for now I will have to keep my blog simple and un-musical. If you have any tips please feel free to leave them.
So, today is Valentines Day. I suppose it is a day to demonstrate your love. I find, however, that in my relationship we do not put this unneeded pressure on each other. Wes and I have been together for three years. I know he knows me better than I sometimes know myself, but this knowledge does not cause negative affect on our relationship. It is not as though this knowledge has made our lives together boring or tedious, instead it has simply created a new stage. We no longer have that first year exhaustion from trying hard to impress each other. It is not as though that first year wasn’t fantastic, with all those memorable “firsts.” How could be anything but? The first year, however, is not quite as genuine as the years to come, the years that you begin to shed your outer layer and reveal the unadulterated you. We know each other well and understand that we both adore each other with a love deeper than I could have ever imagined I would feel for another being. So, instead of finding ways to demonstrate our love, by doing such things as buying fantastically marked up flowers or boxes of chocolate that one will regret eating a few days later when they hop on the scale, Wes and I will be sitting in front of his television, snuggling close, and watching Juno. I wouldn’t have my valentine and I doing anything else.


  1. You and Wes are so pretty! I've heard you taste like pumpkin squash too... are the rumors true?!

  2. Hey Teena--awesome! Your blog is looking great! Thanks for sharing it with me. As far as playlists go, check out this link:
    I've got it posted on my blog (right lower hand side) and it is fun to update.

  3. P.S. You are a great writer, and it's great that you are sharing your thoughts...
